Xiaodong Yuan
DOB 05/12/1971,Chinese, male, Atlanta, GA resident
Zhaohui Wang
DOB 09/17/1945, Chinese, female, Xiaodong Yuan’s mother |
Two Atlanta area residents have been missing sinceThursday night, Sept. 22, 2005. Mr.Xiaodong Yuan, a prominent member of theAtlanta Chinese community, and his mother, Ms. Zhaohui Wang, were taking a sightseeing trip to Las Vegas and Yosemite, Calif. They flew to LasVegas on Sept. 20, 2005, rented a car (Ford Taurus, Nevada tag#068SWX, Dollar Rent-A-Car), drove toYosemite and were supposed to return the car to Las Vegas and fly back toAtlanta on Sunday, Sept. 25, 2005 on AirTran Flight 48.
Yuan and Wang checked into the Curry Village hotel inYosemite National Park (phone 209-372-8334 or 8333) on Wednesday night, Sept.21. The last time Yuan contacted his family was on Thursday night around 8:30p.m., when he informed his wife that they would check out of the hotel asplanned the following morning, Friday, Sept. 23. He said they would drive sevenhours back to Las Vegas, and stay in the hotel Stratosphere. According to hotelstaff at Curry Village in Yosemite, the room key was returned but nobodyactually saw them. They did not check into the hotel Stratosphere in Las VegaFriday night.
Mr. Yuan was carrying a Sprint cellphone (678-525-6889). Hehad been in frequent contact with his wife and two children in Atlanta on adaily basis before he went missing --- sometimes several times a day. Accordingto Sprint, there has been no phone trail since Friday morning.
Mr. Yuan charged almost all, if not all, of their travelexpenses, including gasoline, on his Discovery card. According to Discovery,there have been no transactions since Friday morning except a $25 charge by thehotel Stratosphere in Las Vegas for no-show on the reservation.
The family has made numerous calls to the relevant local andfederal authorities, including the California Highway Patrol (209-357-6922) andthe Nevada Highway Patrol (702-486-4100): no record of any serious trafficaccident linking to Yuan and Wang has been found. Also contacted were theYosemite National Park Rangers (209-372-0216, 209-372-0218, 209-379-1992).David Hollen or Mike Michener (Radio #v32) inspected the road from the CurryVillage to the park’s East Gate and there was no evidence of any accident.
An official report has been filed with Mariposa CountyPD, Case # MG0501923. Contacts areOfficer Debey Sinclair and Tom (209-966-3615). Officer Tom confirmed throughhis contacts that Yuan and Wang did not board AirTran Flight 48, nor did theyreturn the car to the rental company.
The family and friends are hereby reaching out for urgenthelp. If you have any information, please contact the family
Ms. Yan Yu, wifeof Xiaodong Yuan
800 Ravins Way, Stockbridge, GA 30281,
Phone: (please contact Yale below. Ms. Yu is travelling to Yosemite)
Yale Xiao, friend,678-591-7298, 1-888-991-7464